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These are the available settings in Invoker that you can tweak and customize:

PHP Binary Path#

The path to your PHP binary. This binary will be used to communicate with your local Laravel applications. If you connect to a remote Laravel application via SSH, you can configure the PHP binary path on the remote server, when configuring the SSH settings.

Date / time format#

The default date / time format that Invoker should use. All date/datetime fields in your Eloquent models will be formatted using the selected preference.

Default private key#

The default private key that will be used when you configure a new SSH connection. You can override the SSH key when creating a new SSH connection, in case it is different from your default setting.

Default results per page#

You can either specify the amount of models that should be visible per page, on each individual model result pages, or configure a global configuration value that should be used as the default.

Forge API key#

Invoker can automatically import all of your sites on Laravel Forge so you do not need to configure the SSH connections manually. Just copy your Laravel Forge API token into this field.