Tinkerwell 4 is out now! Get the most popular PHP Scratchpad application. Tinkerwell 4 is out now: Get the most popular PHP Scratchpad with Detail Dive, AI code generation and more. Learn more
Talks Talks
Our team members are regular speakers at conferences around the world – Laracon, Laravel Live, PHP UK and many more. We share exciting new ideas and talk about our favorite technologies to share our knowledge with the community. If you see us at a conference, come say hi!
Marcel Pociot introduces "NativePHP" for building native PHP desktop apps. He showcases streamlined development, enabling devs to craft desktop apps efficiently in familiar PHP.
At Laracon US, Di dives deep into Inertia's integration with Laravel. The talk showcases how to craft modern single-page apps without losing Laravel's ease by providing details and real-life demos.
Marcel discusses infusing Laravel apps with OpenAI's GPT-3. He details crafting perfect AI prompts and enhancing user experience.