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Laravel Playground


Can I add custom composer packages?#

No, right now Laravel Playground only allows you to work with a basic Laravel application, as well as a number of pre-installed packages, such as the Laravel Debugbar or Livewire.

Can I make use of authentication / users?#

The default Laravel user table is always migrated in your playgrounds and contains a user that you can use.

The users credentials are:

ID: 1
Email: [email protected]
Password: secret

Can I persist data to the database?#

Every Playground comes with a built-in SQLite database that you can use and write data to. Due to the way that Laravel Playground is built, there is no guarantee that persisted data will always be available between HTTP requests, unless it gets created at runtime. The best way to ensure that your database gets populated at runtime is by using the LaravelPlayground::loaded callback.

LaravelPlayground::loaded(function() {
    // Create your database models in here

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