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Laravel Playground

Prefill embeds

Laravel Playground allows you to prefill your embeds. This allows you to keep the code that you want to embed entirely on your own website - say for a blog post.

Let's say that you want to include this piece of PHP code in your blog post:

$slice = Str::of('This is my name')->after('This is');

Laravel Playgrounds prefill embeds can now execute this PHP code for you in a sandboxed environment. This means that you keep your code on your website and Laravel Playground executes and renders it for you.

Here's the example code embedded:

$slice = Str::of('This is my name')->after('This is');

The embed code that makes this work is very developer friendly. You can keep your code wrapped in <pre> or <code> blocks on your website and wrap them in a <div> with attributes that control the embed, like this:

<pre data-filename="index.php">
$slice = Str::of('This is my name')->after('This is');
<script src="https://embed.laravelplayground.com"></script>

Embedding multiple files#

Your prefill embeds can also include multiple files at once. For each file that you want to embed, you can add one <pre> or <code> element with a data-filename attribute that determines the filename that you want to use. Here's an example that loads a file called index.php and a view called embedded.blade.php.

Route::get('/', function() {
	return view('embedded');
<h1>I got embedded!</h1>

To open a different file, click on the arrow icon next to the filename.

This is the code that powers the above embedded playground.

<pre data-filename="index.php">
Route::get('/', function() {
	return view('embedded');

<pre data-filename="embedded.blade.php">
&lt;h1&gt;I got embedded!&lt;/h1&gt;
<script src="https://embed.laravelplayground.com"></script>

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