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Laravel Prose Linter

Evaluating the results


The linter outputs every hint with a minimum level of suggestion.

The linting results of blade templates and translations are both printed as a table in the CLI and may look like this:

~ php artisan lint:translation auth validation
🗣  Start linting ...
 2/2 [▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓] 100%
| Key.                            | Line | Position | Message                                                            | Severity | Condition           |
| auth.throttle                   | 1    | 5        | 'many' is a weasel word!                                           | warning  | write-good.Weasel   |
| validation.accepted             | 1    | 21       | 'be accepted' may be passive voice. Use active voice if you can.   | warning  | write-good.Passive  |
17 linting hints were found.
Applied styles: WriteGood, Vale
🏁 Finished linting in 8 seconds.

The result gives you a short overview which translations or blade templates were linted, how long linting took and which styles were applied. The table lists all linting hints with translation or template key and a position to find the respective sentence or word in the text.


If you provide the --json flag in the command as stated above, the results file can be found in your applications storage folder. It will look a bit like this:

    "'many' is a weasel word!",

The order of the array elements is the same as in the CLI output: Translation or template key, line, position, linting hint message, severity and the condition of the library that produced the hint.

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