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Talks Talks

Our team members are regular speakers at conferences around the world – Laracon, Laravel Live, PHP UK and many more. We share exciting new ideas and talk about our favorite technologies to share our knowledge with the community. If you see us at a conference, come say hi!

Laracon Online 2019

Realtime applications with Laravel

Marcel Pociot
Laracon EU 2018 Amsterdam

Extending Laravel Nova

Marcel Pociot
Laracon EU 2018 Amsterdam

Alexa, let's build a voice powered app

Marcel Pociot
Laravel Serbia Meetup 2018

Visual Regression Testing for Laravel

Marcel Pociot
Laracon EU 2017 Amsterdam

From zero to multi-platform Chatbot with BotMan

Crafting chatbots for platforms like Slack or Facebook? Marcel discusses simplifying this via PHP and BotMan, enhancing them with features like natural language processing.

Marcel Pociot