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Get started with Laravel e-mail testing in HELO

Diana Scharf

Once you’ve installed HELO, setting up email testing for your local Laravel application is done in a minute.

HELO operates as a local SMTP server on your machine, so the one thing you have to do to make it work with your Laravel application is to adjust your mail server settings in your local .env file. To do so, visit the settings page in HELO, copy the matching configuration values depending on your Laravel version and replace the existing ones in your Laravel's local .env file. Make sure that you set a value for the MAIL_FROM_ADDRESS parameter, otherwise the Laravel mail driver will throw an error.

💡 Tip To keep HELO neat and tidy, use specific names for the Inboxes of different projects. We use "Inbox One" as MAILBOX_USERNAME for our testing purpose.

HELO settings page

Seriously, that's it! Now, let's give it a try and test an e-mail.

The Laravel Jetstream package provides a great user management right out of the box - and one of the easiest ways to test your HELO setup is to send an e-mail for a password reset.

Within a second, the e-mail arrives in HELO - ready to be evaluated and further customized.

Painless local email testing

HELO is a desktop application that will change the way you test your emails. No more broken links, missing images and customer complaints.

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